Nature Based Sessions
Based in Aongatete, Bay of Plenty, NZ.
Nature Nest Playgroup
Our casual, outdoor, nature based playgroup aimed at children from birth to 3 years and their parents/carers..
Had a rough night with no sleep? Come and chill in one of the hammocks with your little one.
Looking for a place to connect with others? Come and have a cuppa and a chat and grow your 'village.'
Have a child that is happiest outdoors? Come and play!
It is held at our wild and wonderful nature spot at our home in Aongatete. We can't wait to share the space with you and your little ones.

Date/Time: Tuesdays 9.30-11am
Contribution: $10
Ages: Birth to 3 years
Location: Morton Road, Aongatete
We like to keep group size small to make both adults and children feel more comfortable. We will normally run sessions in blocks but are doing some taster sessions in Term 2 (dates below).
Pre booking is essential.

What to Expect?
Nature Nest Playgroup is about providing a space for families to come together and support each other... a parenting 'villlage.' A place where one holds a baby for another to have some 1:1 time with their toddler, or watches over little ones in the mud kitchen whilst their grown up grabs a cuppa, where you can make connections and build relationships. A place where you come as you are and leave feeling like you have filled your cup.
There are many areas in our wild garden for your children to explore and play- from mud kitchen fun, to sand play, fairy gardens, climbing and balancing logs/trees, flower gardens and more. Babies will enjoy watching the other children, listening to the birds, watching the leaves moving in the breeze and the light flickering though the trees. The hammock and swing are also big hits, from babies right up to the grown ups!
The whole session will be unstructured for the little ones to follow their interests and explore (there will not be the focused craft/tool activities, camp fires and base camp circles that Nature Tots has).
Families can bring their own snacks/lunch for them and their little ones to eat whenever suits them during the session. There will be hot drinks for grown ups to help themselves to.
Click below to book a taster session this term or drop us an email below if you have any questions.