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Frequently Asked Questions


What do we wear? We send full details out once you have booked (to link to seasons) but we suggest both the adult and child wear long covered clothes/overalls, waterproofs/sun hats and always covered shoes/boots.

fun playing in the rain

What if it's raining, cold or stormy? If it rains; waterproofs and tarps help keep us dry and we have lots of fun with the water. If it is cold; we do lots of physical play, wrap up with lots of layers and have a warm drink at morning tea. If it is stormy and or high winds/a severe weather warning from Met Service, because of tree canopy it is unsafe to do the session and it will be cancelled and re arranged/refunded.


What hygiene facilities are there? There is a toilet on site, with a nappy mat and a toilet training seat for those toilet training. We have fresh running water for hand washing and drinking. Please take your used nappies home with you. Thank you


Why do I need to commit to a whole block of sessions? We want to create a community, a 'village' of children and families that can connect and support each other. This happens best when groups are small and consistent so people have time to settle in and build relationships.  It also helps children settle into the rhythms of our sessions and to build confidence in the space.  It also means that we can get to know the families needs and plan the sessions accordingly each week.

This photo brings us so much joy ❤❤❤😊😊😊 ._._._.jpg

How do I secure a place? Please head to our booking page to purchase a ticket. You will be sent a booking confirmation. For our future sessions, please register interest to be put on the wait list.


I can't do that day of the week, will you run other sessions? Please get in touch to register interest if you would like to attend but can't do the day we have set for playgroup. If we have enough interest we may add another day each week or a weekend session.


What about food and drink? During some of the sessions refreshments will be provided, details of this will be provided upon booking. We suggest bringing drink bottles and your own cups for a hot drink that is provided. Please feel free to bring additional food for your family (no nuts) but please take rubbish with you.


Can I bring another adult along? More information on this is available on the booking pages. You can buy additional adult or pay a gold coin donation on the day.

We made a little friend in the woods today...jpg

What if my child puts stuff in their mouth or gets 'dirty'? Part of the joy of being outside is letting go and getting mucky... don't worry, that's what the washing machine is for!  We have hand washing facilities before we eat and there is actually scientific research that  shows that exposure to dirt is good for our overall health.  Putting things in their mouth is part of normal learning and development and unless an obvious hazard, we should allow children to do this. We educate the group on potential hazards and for under 18 months (who are more prone to this) we have a seperate area where we hold 'garden playgroup' where there is not the same exposure to berries, choking hazards etc).

Nature exploration

What is the difference between Nature Nest and Nature Tots? ​ Nature Nest; - Slightly shorter session (1.5 hours) - Younger age range as the focus (birth to 3 years) - No focused activities/tools/campfires - There are no facilitator led circle times so the whole session is unstructured, allowing families to come and go as they need, play uninterrupted and eat when best suits them. - Families bring their own food Nature Tots: -Slightly longer session (2 hours) - More focused on children aged 18 months- under 5s (younger siblings welcome) - There will be activities teaching children how to use tools, campfires and nature craft/connection - A few added provisions/resources in the site - There is a shared morning tea with a facilitated story and singing circle to close What is the same? --Plenty of opportunity to Play, Connect, Nourish and Re wild! -Tea and coffee will be provided at both, along with a glorious wild and wonderful nature site to explore and lots of other families to connect and play with.

Image by Ole Witt

What do I need to bring? Details on this will be sent when you book. Most important things are weather appropriate gear, water bottle, suncream and yourselves!

Rusty Old Truck

Is there parking nearby and buggy access? There is parking within a few minutes walk to the site. This is signposted.  There are some pathways through the Nature site so a buggy with sturdy wheels can be used but a backpack carrier for little ones would be easier. We have some available for use if needed.




Aongatete, Bay of Plenty, NZ.

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