Nature Based Sessions
Based in Aongatete, Bay of Plenty, NZ.

A place for you to come and feel held and supported, by a family of mothers.
A place for you to offload without fear of judgement- we are all in this magical parenting rollercoaster together.
An opportunity to connect with other likeminded mothers and/or some weeks to move inward and find some solitude and slowness in nature.
At the heart of it all, a place for you and your baby to connect that little bit more with nature, through nature inspired craft and activities and time spent in the wild and wonderful outdoors.
Nurture Nest Mother and Baby Group

Session offerings
A sharing circle and time to connect with others
A light nutritious morning tea and warm drinks
Resources to use with your baby during the session
A nature themed craft for the mothers (and sometimes baby too!) See below for more info.
A walk on the farm and/or time to explore or relax in the wild and wonderful nature site.
Please note that where possible the whole session will be held outside to get all the goodness from the natural world.
We do have a covered space for wet/windy/winter which we use for the beginning of the sessions. We send information on what to bring/ how to dress yourselves and baby on booking. Any questions, check our FAQ page or send us an email.
Thursdays 9.30am-11.15am
at the Little Forest Feet site in Aongatete.
The sessions are bookable in 10 week blocks. Giving relationships time to blossom, confidence to grow and rhythms to settle for us and our little ones in the new environment.
Welcoming all mothers and their babies aged 0-6 months.
Cost: $200 for 10 weeks
(Discount available for mothers with community services card- please enquire).

Nature Craft
Every 10 weeks we will explore the following natural resources as the base for our craft. Each 10 week block will have different variations to the craft for mothers who wish to attend more than one block.
Dried Flowers
Natural Paint
Fresh Flowers
Natural Dyes/Prints
A seasonal special